The chart below shows a visualization of the Monero XMR that the mining farm has earned.

  • My code monitors the P2Pool log continuously looking for XMR payment log messages.
  • When it detects a XMR payment it loads the payout event into a MongoDB backend.
  • The code then calls a function that extracts all XMR payouts from MongoDB and transforms the data into a CSV format with daily XMR payout totals.
  • Then the code calls a script to push the CSV file to this GitHub pages site.
  • Finally, this GitHub Formatted Markdown page displays the information using a JavaScript library, ApexChart, to do the actual chart rendering.

Note that the graph is remarkably linear. The slight increase from mid June till the end of the month is when I burned through about $750 free credits of cloud resources and I setup various container configurations (1 CPU up to 8 CPU with 8 Gb up to 32 Gb) to mine in the cloud. The graph shows a direct relationship between hash rate and profitability and also shows that it’s a consistent relationship over time.

Finally, for anyone thinking about mining in the cloud: It’s not worth it. In fact it’s only because my rent includes electricity that I’m able to make this profitabable.